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751 photos available.
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Paris La Madeleine Cinema & Radio Mass Bishop Verdier old Meurisse Photo 1933
Paris La Madeleine Cinema & Radio Mass Bishop...
Year: 1933    Price: 20.00
Photographer: MEURISSE
Country: France

Paris Albert Lebrun King Albert memory Holy Mass Old Meurisse Photo 1934
Paris Albert Lebrun King Albert memory Holy M...
Year: 1934    Price: 25.00
Photographer: MEURISSE
Country: France

France Lille Religious Parade Funeral? Old Photo & Negative 1935
France Lille Religious Parade Funeral? Old Ph...
Year: 1935    Price: 20.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

France Paris Cardinal Verdier, Maglione & Baudrillart Religion Old Photo 1935
France Paris Cardinal Verdier, Maglione & Bau...
Year: 1935    Price: 25.00
Photographer: NEWS SERVICE (Misc)
Country: France

France Lille Religious Parade Funeral? Old Photo & Negative 1935
France Lille Religious Parade Funeral? Old Ph...
Year: 1935    Price: 20.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

France Lille Religious Parade Funeral? Old Photo & Negative 1935
France Lille Religious Parade Funeral? Old Ph...
Year: 1935    Price: 20.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

Lambeth Archbishop Temple's School Alfred Wayment Cosmo Gordon Lang Photo 1935
Lambeth Archbishop Temple's School Alfred Way...
Year: 1935    Price: 40.00
Photographer: NEWS SERVICE (Misc)
Country: United Kingdom

Argentina Buenos Aires First Stone Virgen de Fatima Chapel Old Photo 1930's
Argentina Buenos Aires First Stone Virgen de ...
Year: 1935    Price: 25.00
Photographer: NEWS SERVICE (Misc)
Country: Argentina

France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale Jean Macé President old Photo 1936
France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale J...
Year: 1936    Price: 16.00
Photographer: MISC
Country: France

Belgium Veurne Furnes Procession of Penitents Religion Old Press Photo 1936
Belgium Veurne Furnes Procession of Penitents...
Year: 1936    Price: 25.00
Photographer: NEWS SERVICE (Misc)
Country: Belgium

Paris Montmartre Sacré Coeur Gardens Stairs Photo 1936
Paris Montmartre Sacré Coeur Gardens Stairs P...
Year: 1936    Price: 12.00
Photographer: Agence ROL
Country: France

France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale Jean Macé President old Photo 1936
France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale J...
Year: 1936    Price: 16.00
Photographer: MISC
Country: France

France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale Jean Macé President old Photo 1936
France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale J...
Year: 1936    Price: 16.00
Photographer: MISC
Country: France

France North Religion Ceremony Fashion Snapshot 1936
France North Religion Ceremony Fashion Snapsh...
Year: 1936    Price: 15.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale Jean Macé President old Photo 1936
France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale J...
Year: 1936    Price: 16.00
Photographer: MISC
Country: France

France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale Jean Macé President old Photo 1936
France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale J...
Year: 1936    Price: 16.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale Jean Macé President old Photo 1936
France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale J...
Year: 1936    Price: 16.00
Photographer: MISC
Country: France

France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale Jean Macé President old Photo 1936
France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale J...
Year: 1936    Price: 16.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale Jean Macé President old Photo 1936
France Lille Jeanne Lecourt Funeral Amicale J...
Year: 1936    Price: 16.00
Photographer: MISC
Country: France

France Paris ? Religious Ceremony Perpetual Adoration Ship old Photo 1940
France Paris ? Religious Ceremony Perpetual A...
Year: 1940    Price: 20.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

France religious catholic scout smoking pipe Old Photo 1943 #1
France religious catholic scout smoking pipe ...
Year: 1943    Price: 16.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

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