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1689 photos available.
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Captain Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Captain Second Empire Army France Old CDV Pho...
Year: 1865    Price: 60.00
Photographer: PREVOT
Country: France

Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Pho...
Year: 1865    Price: 30.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

Captain Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Captain Second Empire Army France Old CDV Pho...
Year: 1865    Price: 25.00
Photographer: MISC
Country: France

USA Cambridgeport Portrait General Winfield Scott old CDV Photo Warren 1865
USA Cambridgeport Portrait General Winfield S...
Year: 1865    Price: 35.00
Photographer: WARREN
Country: USA

France Paris General de la Moriciere Old CDV photo Desmaisons 1860's
France Paris General de la Moriciere Old CDV ...
Year: 1865    Price: 30.00
Photographer: DESMAISONS
Country: France

Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Pho...
Year: 1865    Price: 25.00
Photographer: MISC
Country: France

Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Pho...
Year: 1865    Price: 30.00
Photographer: PREVOT
Country: France

Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Pho...
Year: 1865    Price: 30.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Pho...
Year: 1865    Price: 30.00
Photographer: MISC
Country: France

Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Pho...
Year: 1865    Price: 25.00
Photographer: DUBURGUET
Country: France

General Changarnier France old CDV Petit Studio 1865'
General Changarnier France old CDV Petit Stud...
Year: 1865    Price: 50.00
Photographer: PETIT
Country: France

United Kingdom Portrait Geo Wilson Royal Artillery Old CDV Photo Chancellor 1865
United Kingdom Portrait Geo Wilson Royal Arti...
Year: 1865    Price: 75.00
Photographer: CHANCELLOR
Country: Ireland

Admiral John Edward Walcott Old CDV Photo 1860's
Admiral John Edward Walcott Old CDV Photo 186...
Year: 1865    Price: 50.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: United Kingdom

Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Pho...
Year: 1865    Price: 40.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Pho...
Year: 1865    Price: 60.00
Photographer: MISC
Country: France

Le Havre Military Man Uniform Old Photo CDV 1865
Le Havre Military Man Uniform Old Photo CDV 1...
Year: 1865    Price: 35.00
Photographer: MISC
Country: France

France Portrait Man Military Uniform Old Photo 1860's
France Portrait Man Military Uniform Old Phot...
Year: 1865    Price: 15.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Pho...
Year: 1865    Price: 40.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: France

Military Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Military Second Empire Army France Old CDV Ph...
Year: 1865    Price: 25.00
Photographer: MULNIER
Country: France

Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Photo 1865
Officer Second Empire Army France Old CDV Pho...
Year: 1865    Price: 75.00
Photographer: MISC
Country: France

Military Uniform Clothing Campaign Belgium Old Photo 1865
Military Uniform Clothing Campaign Belgium Ol...
Year: 1865    Price: 50.00
Photographer: ANONYMOUS
Country: Belgium

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